AJA DCXS-750 or 1500 DC magnetron sputtering power supply

class pymeasure.instruments.aja.DCXS(adapter, name='AJA DCXS sputtering power supply', **kwargs)

Bases: Instrument

AJA DCXS-750 or 1500 DC magnetron sputtering power supply with multiple outputs

Connection to the device is made through an RS232 serial connection. The communication settings are fixed in the device at 38400, one stopbit, no parity. The communication protocol of the device uses single character commands and fixed length replys, both without any terminator.

  • adapter – pyvisa resource name of the instrument or adapter instance

  • name (string) – The name of the instrument.

  • kwargs – Any valid key-word argument for Instrument

property active_gun

Control the active gun number.

ask(command, query_delay=0, **kwargs)

Write a command to the instrument and return the read response.

  • command – Command string to be sent to the instrument.

  • query_delay – Delay between writing and reading in seconds.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments passed to the read method.


String returned by the device without read_termination.

property current

Measure the output current in mA.

property deposition_time_min

Control the minutes part of deposition time. Can be set only when ‘enabled’ is False.

property deposition_time_sec

Control the seconds part of deposition time. Can be set only when ‘enabled’ is False.

property enabled

Control the on/off state of the power supply

property fault_code

Get the error code from the power supply.

property id

Get the power supply type identifier.

property material

Control the material name of the sputter target.

property power

Measure the actual output power in W.

property ramp_time

Control the ramp time in seconds. Can be set only when ‘enabled’ is False.

read(reply_length=-1, **kwargs)

Read up to (excluding) read_termination or the whole read buffer.

property regulation_mode

Control the regulation mode of the power supply.

property remaining_deposition_time_min

Get the minutes part of remaining deposition time.

property remaining_deposition_time_sec

Get the seconds part of remaining deposition time.

property setpoint

Control the setpoint value. Units are determined by regulation mode (power -> W, voltage -> V, current -> mA).

property shutter_delay

Control the shutter delay in seconds. Can be set only when ‘enabled’ is False.

property shutter_state

Get the status of the gun shutters. 0 for closed and 1 for open shutters.

property software_version

Get the software revision of the power supply firmware.

property voltage

Measure the output voltage in V.