Keithley 2200 Series Power Supplies

class pymeasure.instruments.keithley.Keithley2200(adapter, name='Keithley2200', **kwargs)

Bases: SCPIUnknownMixin, Instrument

Represents the Keithley 2200 Power Supply.







class BaseChannelCreator(cls, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Base class for ChannelCreator and MultiChannelCreator.

  • cls – Class for all children or tuple/list of classes, one for each child.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments for all children.

class ChannelCreator(cls, id=None, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseChannelCreator

Add a single channel to the parent class.

The child will be added to the parent instance at instantiation with CommonBase.add_child(). The attribute name that ChannelCreator was assigned to in the Instrument class will be the name of the channel interface.

class Extreme5000(Instrument):
    # Two output channels, accessible by their property names
    # and both are accessible through the 'channels' collection
    output_A = Instrument.ChannelCreator(Extreme5000Channel, "A")
    output_B = Instrument.ChannelCreator(Extreme5000Channel, "B")
    # A channel without a channel accessible through the 'motor' collection
    motor = Instrument.ChannelCreator(MotorControl)

inst = SomeInstrument()
# Set the extreme_temp for channel A of Extreme5000 instrument
inst.output_A.extreme_temp = 42
  • cls – Channel class for channel interface

  • id – The id of the channel on the instrument, integer or string.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments for all children.

class MultiChannelCreator(cls, id=None, prefix='ch_', **kwargs)

Bases: BaseChannelCreator

Add channels to the parent class.

The children will be added to the parent instance at instantiation with CommonBase.add_child(). The attribute name (e.g. channels) will be used as the collection of the children. You may define the attribute prefix. If there are no other pressing reasons, use channels as the attribute name and leave the prefix at the default "ch_".

class Extreme5000(Instrument):
    # Three channels of the same type: 'ch_A', 'ch_B', 'ch_C'
    # and add them to the 'channels' collection
    channels = Instrument.MultiChannelCreator(Extreme5000Channel, ["A", "B", "C"])
    # Two channel interfaces of different types: 'fn_power', 'fn_voltage'
    # and add them to the 'functions' collection
    functions = Instrument.MultiChannelCreator((PowerChannel, VoltageChannel),
                                    ["power", "voltage"], prefix="fn_")
  • cls – Class for all children or tuple/list of classes, one for each child.

  • id – tuple/list of ids of the channels on the instrument.

  • prefix – Collection prefix for the attributes, e.g. “ch_” creates attribute self.ch_A. If prefix evaluates False, the child will be added directly under the variable name. Required if id is tuple/list.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments for all children.

add_child(cls, id=None, collection='channels', prefix='ch_', attr_name='', **kwargs)

Add a child to this instance and return its index in the children list.

The newly created child may be accessed either by the id in the children dictionary or by the created attribute, e.g. the fifth channel of instrument with id “F” has two access options: instrument.channels["F"] == instrument.ch_F


Do not change the default collection or prefix parameter, unless you have to distinguish several collections of different children, e.g. different channel types (analog and digital).

  • cls – Class of the channel.

  • id – Child id how it is used in communication, e.g. “A”.

  • collection – Name of the collection of children, used for dictionary access to the channel interfaces.

  • prefix – For creating multiple channel interfaces, the prefix e.g. “ch_” is prepended to the attribute name of the channel interface self.ch_A. If prefix evaluates False, the child will be added directly under the collection name.

  • attr_name – For creating a single channel interface, the attr_name argument is used when setting the attribute name of the channel interface.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments for the channel creator.


Instance of the created child.

binary_values(command, query_delay=0, **kwargs)

Write a command to the instrument and return a numpy array of the binary data.

  • command – Command to be sent to the instrument.

  • query_delay – Delay between writing and reading in seconds.

  • kwargs – Arguments for read_binary_values().


NumPy array of values.


Read all errors from the instrument.


List of error entries.


Check for errors after having gotten a property and log them.

Called if check_get_errors=True is set for that property.

If you override this method, you may choose to raise an Exception for certain errors.


List of error entries.


Check for errors after having set a property and log them.

Called if check_set_errors=True is set for that property.

If you override this method, you may choose to raise an Exception for certain errors.


List of error entries.

property complete

Get the synchronization bit.

This property allows synchronization between a controller and a device. The Operation Complete query places an ASCII character 1 into the device’s Output Queue when all pending selected device operations have been finished.

property display_enabled

Control whether the display is enabled.

property display_text_data

Control text to be displayed(32 characters).

static get_channel_pairs(cls)

Return a list of all the Instrument’s channel pairs

static get_channels(cls)

Return a list of all the Instrument’s ChannelCreator and MultiChannelCreator instances

property id

Get the identification of the instrument.

property next_error

Get the next error in the queue. If you want to read and log all errors, use check_errors() instead.

property options

Get the device options installed.


Read binary values from the device.

read_bytes(count, **kwargs)

Read a certain number of bytes from the instrument.

  • count (int) – Number of bytes to read. A value of -1 indicates to read the whole read buffer.

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments for the adapter.

Returns bytes

Bytes response of the instrument (including termination).


Remove the child from the instrument and the corresponding collection.


child – Instance of the child to delete.


Reset the instrument.


Brings the instrument to a safe and stable state

property status

Get the status byte and Master Summary Status bit.


Wait for some time. Used by ‘ask’ to wait before reading.


query_delay – Delay between writing and reading in seconds.

write_binary_values(command, values, *args, **kwargs)

Write binary values to the device.

  • command – Command to send.

  • values – The values to transmit.

  • **kwargs (*args,) – Further arguments to hand to the Adapter.

write_bytes(content, **kwargs)

Write the bytes content to the instrument.

class pymeasure.instruments.keithley.keithley2200.PSChannel(parent, id)

Bases: Channel

Implementation of a Keithley 2200 channel.

property current

Measure the current in Amps.

property current_limit

Control output current in Amps.


Insert the channel id in a command replacing placeholder.

Subclass this method if you want to do something else, like always prepending the channel id.

property output_enabled

Control the output state.

property power

Measure the power in watts.

property voltage

Measure the voltage in Volts.

property voltage_limit

Control the maximum voltage that can be set.

property voltage_limit_enabled

Control whether the maximum voltage limit is enabled.

property voltage_setpoint

Control output voltage in Volts.