SR830 Lock-in Amplifier

class pymeasure.instruments.srs.SR830(adapter, name='Stanford Research Systems SR830 Lock-in amplifier', **kwargs)

Bases: Instrument

property adc1

Reads the Aux input 1 value in Volts with 1/3 mV resolution.

property adc2

Reads the Aux input 2 value in Volts with 1/3 mV resolution.

property adc3

Reads the Aux input 3 value in Volts with 1/3 mV resolution.

property adc4

Reads the Aux input 4 value in Volts with 1/3 mV resolution.


Offsets the channel (X, Y, or R) to zero

property aux_in_1

Reads the Aux input 1 value in Volts with 1/3 mV resolution.

property aux_in_2

Reads the Aux input 2 value in Volts with 1/3 mV resolution.

property aux_in_3

Reads the Aux input 3 value in Volts with 1/3 mV resolution.

property aux_in_4

Reads the Aux input 4 value in Volts with 1/3 mV resolution.

property aux_out_1

A floating point property that controls the output of Aux output 1 in Volts, taking values between -10.5 V and +10.5 V. This property can be set.

property aux_out_2

A floating point property that controls the output of Aux output 2 in Volts, taking values between -10.5 V and +10.5 V. This property can be set.

property aux_out_3

A floating point property that controls the output of Aux output 3 in Volts, taking values between -10.5 V and +10.5 V. This property can be set.

property aux_out_4

A floating point property that controls the output of Aux output 4 in Volts, taking values between -10.5 V and +10.5 V. This property can be set.

property channel1

A string property that represents the type of Channel 1, taking the values X, R, X Noise, Aux In 1, or Aux In 2. This property can be set.

property channel2

A string property that represents the type of Channel 2, taking the values Y, Theta, Y Noise, Aux In 3, or Aux In 4. This property can be set.

property dac1

A floating point property that controls the output of Aux output 1 in Volts, taking values between -10.5 V and +10.5 V. This property can be set.

property dac2

A floating point property that controls the output of Aux output 2 in Volts, taking values between -10.5 V and +10.5 V. This property can be set.

property dac3

A floating point property that controls the output of Aux output 3 in Volts, taking values between -10.5 V and +10.5 V. This property can be set.

property dac4

A floating point property that controls the output of Aux output 4 in Volts, taking values between -10.5 V and +10.5 V. This property can be set.

property err_status

Reads the value of the lockin error (ERR) status byte. Returns an IntFlag type with positions within the string corresponding to different error flags:






backup error


RAM error




ROM error


GPIB error


DSP error


DSP error

property filter_slope

An integer property that controls the filter slope, which can take on the values 6, 12, 18, and 24 dB/octave. Values are truncated to the next highest level if they are not exact.

property filter_synchronous

A boolean property that controls the synchronous filter. This property can be set. Allowed values are: True or False

property frequency

A floating point property that represents the lock-in frequency in Hz. This property can be set.

get_buffer(channel=1, start=0, end=None)

Aquires the 32 bit floating point data through binary transfer


Returns the offset precent and the exapnsion term that are used to scale the channel in question

property harmonic

An integer property that controls the harmonic that is measured. Allowed values are 1 to 19999. Can be set.

property input_config

An string property that controls the input configuration. Allowed values are: [‘A’, ‘A - B’, ‘I (1 MOhm)’, ‘I (100 MOhm)’]

property input_coupling

An string property that controls the input coupling. Allowed values are: [‘AC’, ‘DC’]

property input_grounding

An string property that controls the input shield grounding. Allowed values are: [‘Float’, ‘Ground’]

property input_notch_config

An string property that controls the input line notch filter status. Allowed values are: [‘None’, ‘Line’, ‘2 x Line’, ‘Both’]


Returns True if the magnitude is out of range

property lia_status

Reads the value of the lockin amplifier (LIA) status byte. Returns a binary string with positions within the string corresponding to different status flags:




Input/Amplifier overload


Time constant filter overload


Output overload


Reference unlock


Detection frequency range switched


Time constant changed indirectly


Data storage triggered



property magnitude

Reads the magnitude in Volts.


Returns a function that can be used to determine the signal from the channel output (X, Y, or R)

property phase

A floating point property that represents the lock-in phase in degrees. This property can be set.


While the magnitude is out of range, increase the sensitivity by one setting

property reference_source

An string property that controls the reference source. Allowed values are: [‘External’, ‘Internal’]

property reference_source_trigger

A string property that controls the reference source triggering. Allowed values are: [‘SINE’, ‘POS EDGE’, ‘NEG EDGE’]

property sample_frequency

Gets the sample frequency in Hz

property sensitivity

A floating point property that controls the sensitivity in Volts, which can take discrete values from 2 nV to 1 V. Values are truncated to the next highest level if they are not exact.

set_scaling(channel, precent, expand=0)

Sets the offset of a channel (X=1, Y=2, R=3) to a certain precent (-105% to 105%) of the signal, with an optional expansion term (0, 10=1, 100=2)

property sine_voltage

A floating point property that represents the reference sine-wave voltage in Volts. This property can be set.

snap(val1='X', val2='Y', *vals)

Method that records and retrieves 2 to 6 parameters at a single instant. The parameters can be one of: X, Y, R, Theta, Aux In 1, Aux In 2, Aux In 3, Aux In 4, Frequency, CH1, CH2. Default is “X” and “Y”.

  • val1 – first parameter to retrieve

  • val2 – second parameter to retrieve

  • vals – other parameters to retrieve (optional)

property theta

Reads the theta value in degrees.

property time_constant

A floating point property that controls the time constant in seconds, which can take discrete values from 10 microseconds to 30,000 seconds. Values are truncated to the next highest level if they are not exact.

wait_for_buffer(count, has_aborted=<function SR830.<lambda>>, timeout=60, timestep=0.01)

Wait for the buffer to fill a certain count

property x

Reads the X value in Volts.

property xy

Reads the X and Y values in Volts.

property y

Reads the Y value in Volts.