PyMeasure uses an object-oriented approach for communicating with scientific instruments, which provides an intuitive interface where the low-level SCPI and GPIB commands are hidden from normal use. Users can focus on solving the measurement problems at hand, instead of re-inventing how to communicate with instruments.
Instruments with VISA (GPIB, Serial, etc) are supported through the PyVISA package under the hood. Prologix GPIB adapters are also supported. Communication protocols can be swapped, so that instrument classes can be used with all supported protocols interchangeably.
In order to keep the corresponding numbers and physical units (e.g. 5 meters) together, pint quantities can be used. That way it is easy to handle different orders of magnitude (meters and centimeters) or different units (meters and feet).
Before using PyMeasure, you may find it helpful to be acquainted with basic Python programming for the sciences and understand the concept of objects.
Instrument ready
The package includes a number of instruments already defined. Their definitions are organized based on the manufacturer name of the instrument. For example the class that defines the Keithley 2400 SourceMeter can be imported by calling:
from pymeasure.instruments.keithley import Keithley2400
The Tutorials section will go into more detail on connecting to an instrument. If you don’t find the instrument you are looking for, but are interested in contributing, see the documentation on adding an instrument.
Graphical displays
Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) can be easily generated to manage execution of measurement procedures with PyMeasure. This includes live plotting for data, and a queue system for managing large numbers of experiments.
These features are explored in the Using a graphical interface tutorial.

The GUIs are not restricted to the instruments included in this package. Any python instrument may be used. For example, this script demonstrates how to use an InstrumentKit instrument.