F.W. Bell 5080 Handheld Gaussmeter

class pymeasure.instruments.fwbell.FWBell5080(adapter, name='F.W. Bell 5080 Handheld Gaussmeter', **kwargs)

Bases: SCPIMixin, Instrument

Represents the F.W. Bell 5080 Handheld Gaussmeter and provides a high-level interface for interacting with the instrument


port – The serial port of the instrument

meter = FWBell5080('/dev/ttyUSB0')  # Connects over serial port /dev/ttyUSB0 (Linux)

meter.units = 'gauss'               # Sets the measurement units to Gauss
meter.range = 1                     # Sets the range to 3 kG
print(meter.field)                  # Reads and prints a field measurement in G

fields = meter.fields(100)          # Samples 100 field measurements
print(fields.mean(), fields.std())  # Prints the mean and standard deviation of the samples

Enables the auto range functionality.


Read all errors from the instrument.


List of error entries.


Check for errors after having gotten a property and log them.

Called if check_get_errors=True is set for that property.

If you override this method, you may choose to raise an Exception for certain errors.


List of error entries.


Check for errors after having set a property and log them.

Called if check_set_errors=True is set for that property.

If you override this method, you may choose to raise an Exception for certain errors.


List of error entries.


Clear the instrument status byte.

property complete

Get the synchronization bit.

This property allows synchronization between a controller and a device. The Operation Complete query places an ASCII character 1 into the device’s Output Queue when all pending selected device operations have been finished.

property field

Measure the field in the appropriate units (float).


Returns a numpy array of field samples for a given sample number.


samples – The number of samples to preform

property id

Get the identification of the instrument.

property next_error

Get the next error in the queue. If you want to read and log all errors, use check_errors() instead.

property options

Get the device options installed.

property range

Control the maximum field range in the active units (int). The range unit is dependent on the current units mode (gauss, tesla, amp-meter). Value sets an equivalent range across units that increases in magnitude (1, 10, 100).






300 G

30 mT

23.88 kAm


3 kG

300 mT

238.8 kAm


30 kG

3 T

2388 kAm


Overwrites the Instrument.read method to remove semicolons and replace spaces with colons.


Read binary values from the device.

read_bytes(count, **kwargs)

Read a certain number of bytes from the instrument.

  • count (int) – Number of bytes to read. A value of -1 indicates to read the whole read buffer.

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments for the adapter.

Returns bytes

Bytes response of the instrument (including termination).


Resets the instrument.


Brings the instrument to a safe and stable state

property status

Get the status byte and Master Summary Status bit.

property units

Get the field units (str), which can take the values: ‘gauss’, ‘gauss ac’, ‘tesla’, ‘tesla ac’, ‘amp-meter’, and ‘amp-meter ac’. The AC versions configure the instrument to measure AC.


Wait for some time. Used by ‘ask’ to wait before reading.


query_delay – Delay between writing and reading in seconds. None is default delay.

write(command, **kwargs)

Write a string command to the instrument appending write_termination.

  • command – command string to be sent to the instrument

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments for the adapter.

write_binary_values(command, values, *args, **kwargs)

Write binary values to the device.

  • command – Command to send.

  • values – The values to transmit.

  • **kwargs (*args,) – Further arguments to hand to the Adapter.

write_bytes(content, **kwargs)

Write the bytes content to the instrument.