SR570 Lock-in Amplifier

class pymeasure.instruments.srs.SR570(adapter, name='Stanford Research Systems SR570 Lock-in amplifier', **kwargs)

Bases: SCPIUnknownMixin, Instrument

property bias_enabled

Boolean that turns the bias on or off. Allowed values are: True (bias on) and False (bias off)

property bias_level

A floating point value in V that sets the bias voltage level of the amplifier, in the [-5V,+5V] limits. The values are up to 1 mV precision level.


“Blanks the frontend output of the device


“Reset the filter capacitors to clear an overload condition


Turns the bias voltage off


“Disables the offset current


Turns the bias voltage on


“Enables the offset current

property filter_type

A string that sets the filter type. Allowed values are: [‘6dB Highpass’, ‘12dB Highpass’, ‘6dB Bandpass’, ‘6dB Lowpass’, ‘12dB Lowpass’, ‘none’]

property front_blanked

Boolean that blanks(True) or un-blanks (False) the front panel

property gain_mode

A string that sets the gain mode. Allowed values are: [‘Low Noise’, ‘High Bandwidth’, ‘Low Drift’]

property high_freq

A floating point value that sets the highpass frequency of the amplifier, which takes a discrete value in a 1-3 sequence. Values are truncated to the closest allowed value if not exact. Allowed values range from 0.03 Hz to 1 MHz.

property invert_signal_sign

An boolean sets the signal invert sense. Allowed values are: True (inverted) and False (not inverted).

property low_freq

A floating point value that sets the lowpass frequency of the amplifier, which takes a discrete value in a 1-3 sequence. Values are truncated to the closest allowed value if not exact. Allowed values range from 0.03 Hz to 1 MHz.

property offset_current

A floating point value in A that sets the absolute value of the offset current of the amplifier, in the [1pA,5mA] limits. The offset current takes discrete values in a 1-2-5 sequence. Values are truncated to the closest allowed value if not exact.

property offset_current_enabled

Boolean that turns the offset current on or off. Allowed values are: True (current on) and False (current off).

property offset_current_sign

An string that sets the offset current sign. Allowed values are: ‘positive’ and ‘negative’.

property sensitivity

A floating point value that sets the sensitivity of the amplifier, which takes discrete values in a 1-2-5 sequence. Values are truncated to the closest allowed value if not exact. Allowed values range from 1 pA/V to 1 mA/V.

property signal_inverted

Boolean that inverts the signal if True


Un-blanks the frontend output of the device