Yokogawa 7651 Programmable Supply

class pymeasure.instruments.yokogawa.Yokogawa7651(adapter, name='Yokogawa 7651 Programmable DC Source', **kwargs)

Bases: SCPIUnknownMixin, Instrument

Represents the Yokogawa 7651 Programmable DC Source and provides a high-level for interacting with the instrument.

yoko = Yokogawa7651("GPIB::1")

yoko.apply_current()                # Sets up to source current
yoko.source_current_range = 10e-3   # Sets the current range to 10 mA
yoko.compliance_voltage = 10        # Sets the compliance voltage to 10 V
yoko.source_current = 0             # Sets the source current to 0 mA

yoko.enable_source()                # Enables the current output
yoko.ramp_to_current(5e-3)          # Ramps the current to 5 mA

yoko.shutdown()                     # Ramps the current to 0 mA and disables output
apply_current(max_current=0.001, compliance_voltage=1)

Configures the instrument to apply a source current, which can take optional parameters that defer to the source_current_range and compliance_voltage properties.

apply_voltage(max_voltage=1, compliance_current=0.01)

Configures the instrument to apply a source voltage, which can take optional parameters that defer to the source_voltage_range and compliance_current properties.

property compliance_current

Control the compliance current in Amps,which can take values from 5 to 120 mA.

property compliance_voltage

Control the compliance voltage in Volts, which can take values between 1 and 30 V.


Disables the source of current or voltage depending on the configuration of the instrument.


Enables the source of current or voltage depending on the configuration of the instrument.

property id

Get the identification of the instrument

ramp_to_current(current, steps=25, duration=0.5)

Ramps the current to a value in Amps by traversing a linear spacing of current steps over a duration, defined in seconds.

  • steps – A number of linear steps to traverse

  • duration – A time in seconds over which to ramp

ramp_to_voltage(voltage, steps=25, duration=0.5)

Ramps the voltage to a value in Volts by traversing a linear spacing of voltage steps over a duration, defined in seconds.

  • steps – A number of linear steps to traverse

  • duration – A time in seconds over which to ramp


Shuts down the instrument, and ramps the current or voltage to zero before disabling the source.

property source_current

Control the source current in Amps, if that mode is active. (float)

property source_current_range

Control the current voltage range in Amps, which can take values: 1 mA, 10 mA, and 100 mA. Currents are truncated to an appropriate value if needed.

property source_enabled

Get a boolean value that is True if the source is enabled, determined by checking if the 5th bit of the OC flag is a binary 1.

property source_mode

Control the source mode, which can take the values ‘current’ or ‘voltage’. The convenience methods apply_current() and apply_voltage() can also be used.

property source_voltage

Control the source voltage in Volts, if that mode is active. (float)

property source_voltage_range

Control the source voltage range in Volts, which can take values: 10 mV, 100 mV, 1 V, 10 V, and 30 V. Voltages are truncated to an appropriate value if needed.